Friday, 7 October 2011

Manchetts mobile Tyre fit give massive Tyres to Burwell Primary School

Manchetts Mobile Tyrefit give massive tyres to Burwell Primary for their nature garden where they plan to fill them with compost and bedding plants and bulbs. Manager Clive at Manchetts Tyrefit centre said he was only too happy to assist when teacher Jane Francis from the local Burwell Primary school contacted him to see if Manchetts could help.
Manager Clive said "we felt it was not enough just to give the Tyres and have offered to supply and install the compost as well and we look forward to seeing the completed project in the nature garden. It was fun delivering the tyres and the children gave us a round of applause"

Manchetts Mobile tyrefit centre is in Burwell just off the A14 and can supply tyres 24/7. Tyres can be supplied and fitted at work home or play! Call Manchetts Tyre specialist Clive for a quote today.

"Dont go Miles go Manchetts"
01638 744533